
FlightGlobal is the global aerospace community’s primary source of news, data, insight, knowledge and expertise
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The world’s leading aerospace publication since 1909

FlightGlobal has a long-standing heritage as an independent provider of news and insight covering the global aerospace industry, including the commercial airline, defence and business aviation sectors. With a team of established award-winning journalists reporting from our bureaus in London, Singapore and the USA, FlightGlobal provides round the clock news and analysis through, deep-dive insight and interviews through our Flight International and Airline Business titles, expansive coverage from the major events and air shows, as well as hosting our own conferences, webinars and podcasts. is the industry’s most visited and trusted website featuring breaking news, analysis and opinion across industry sectors, as well as a variety of long-form and multimedia content.

FlightGlobal’s well established recruitment portfolio Flight Jobs, is the home of the best aviation & aerospace jobs and careers advice that helps recruiters match with aviation professionals across the globe through an online jobs service, providing tailored solutions and recruitment plans to achieve greater business success.


Flight International

A legacy spanning 111 years

The world’s most established and respected aviation publication is as relevant today as it ever was – providing analysis and intelligence in a fast and ever-changing marketplace. Flight International has grown to become the most trusted source for air transport, defence, business and general aviation professionals.

Airline Business

Strategy for Airline Business worldwide

Since making its debut in 1985, Airline Business has forged a reputation for high-quality, in-depth reporting on the industry’s strategic and economic drivers. Our publication features in-depth cover interviews with top industry leaders.

FlightGlobal Dailies

Since 1980 the award-winning Flight Dailies have been read by thousands of aviation professionals at the world’s leading air shows. Our on-site team of journalists, designers and photographers gather the latest show news to produce daily newspapers that are distributed at the respective event.

Every edition is packed full of breaking news, analysis and images from that show. If you are looking to promote a new product or service launch, or drive traffic to your show stand we have a media solution for you.

Flight International
Airline Business


FlightGlobal works with partners to organise a number of events, including the flagship independently judged Airline Strategy Awards organised together with human capital specialists Korn Ferry – now in its 20th year; the Airlines for Europe (A43) annual summit in Brussels; and an annual UK-airline industry policy focused event in partnership with Airlines UK, Bar UK and IATA. FlightGlobal also organises a programme of webinars, including quarterly series focused on the key issue of sustainability.

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1st Floor
Chancery House

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